Methods of prevention of alcoholism

bottles of alcohol, a man is lying on the floor

Prevention of alcoholism is a necessary tool for the formation of healthy generations. Unfortunately, the advertising of alcoholic beverages over the past decades has provoked healthy criticism in response: mass media, commercials and PR advertising present this event as a necessary attribute of adult life, in some moments - even luxury and satisfaction.

The main strategies for the prevention of alcoholism

You've probably seen spectacular scenes on blue screens where a cold, unapproachable beauty, sitting on a luxurious sofa in a country mansion, arrogantly sips expensive French wine. Such images involving alcohol form the erroneous thinking that creating such an image will somehow improve your life.

Again, often in domestic films on TV there are characters who have long and hopelessly tied the bonds of their fate with strong alcoholic beverages. They are presented as harmless, funny and interesting heroes with a difficult fate. But the true consequences of alcoholism are completely overlooked, which a priori cannot make a person an interesting and funny hero.

Addiction prevention should include 2 main strategies:

  1. Reduce the risks that contribute to the development of alcoholism.
  2. Strengthen factors that reduce alcohol tolerance.

The group of risks that contribute to the development of addiction include:

  • childhood spent with alcoholic parents;
  • mental disorders, physiological diseases;
  • a social environment where alcohol consumption is the norm;
  • certain complexes: low self-esteem, lack of intelligence, mood changes, lack of strong values;
  • the beginning of sexual relations in early adolescence;
  • poverty in the family, conflicts;
  • problems with discipline.

Factors that can reduce the attraction to alcohol include:

  • high level of intelligence, stress resistance;
  • good upbringing, strong family;
  • high level of prosperity;
  • full-fledged medical care;
  • self-discipline;
  • a good social environment;
  • ability to self-control, adequate self-esteem.

Alcoholism is a social disease. It is not transmitted genetically – there is a predisposition to alcoholism, but the drunkenness of parents cannot serve as a direct cause of their child's alcoholism. In general, there is not a single factor in nature that would directly and 100% provoke alcoholization of the individual. Risk factors and decreased attraction are important. If the first ones outweigh, a person has more and more chances to become an alcoholic. If the latter – on the contrary.

Classification of preventive measures

In general , prevention in this direction can be divided into 3 groups:

  • Primary. This is prevention, which is aimed at people who do not drink alcohol. First of all, these are children and teenagers, young people. It is aimed at preserving and improving the state of health, at a healthy lifestyle.
  • Secondary. These are preventive measures that are aimed at people who allow themselves to drink. The presented audience category may have the first signs of addiction, but does not suffer from alcoholism yet.
  • Tertiary. It is carried out in relation to people who suffer from alcoholism. The task of prevention is to prevent further alcoholism.

Of course, the content of preventive programs will differ in each case. For example, if we talk about primary prevention, then general information about the dangers of surfactants, the advantages of a healthy lifestyle, and so on will be provided here. With tertiary prevention, other aspects are already affected: the consequences of further alcoholism, the psychology of addiction, the benefits of a sober lifestyle.

What is the reason for the difference in prevention? Isn't it easier to make a certain program for everyone? No. Unfortunately, universal approaches do not work here. Let's look at examples.

1. The personality of a teenager or just a young person is an interest in everything unusual, maximalism, a desire to try something new. Such people have no experience yet, they are just entering adulthood and trying to find their way. Alcohol for them is just another interesting thing that helps to liberate themselves, introduces them to the world of adults. At a young age, the consequences of alcohol abuse are still invisible, so it is difficult for a teenager to understand all sides of the risks. It is important to show how such communion can be dangerous, and to prove that it will not solve specific problems.
2. The personality of a person who already suffers from addiction is "another religion". He has gone through 9 circles of hell, has a formed physical craving, has felt all the charms of abstinence, suffers from problems with social functions: job losses due to absenteeism, family conflicts, loss of self-esteem, self-pity, pathological patterns like "oh, fuck it all, I'll drink and relax, I have the right." They need to be given powerful incentives to return to normal life, to realize their mistakes and their potential. Preventive psychotherapy under the supervision of narcologists is already necessary here.

Approaches and measures in the prevention of alcoholism

There are a number of approaches that are used to prevent alcoholism.

  • Dissemination of information about alcoholism. As part of the informational impact, speakers talk about the risks, consequences of alcoholism, and the dangers of ethanol. As a rule, 3
  • neutral pitch tactics are used during performances. It tells about the dangers of alcohol, about a statistical sample, and so on;
  • intimidation. It tells about the most dangerous sides of alcoholism. These are various somatic diseases, mental disorders, loss of ties with society;
  • the psychology of an alcoholic. Speakers tell how the personality of drinkers changes and degrades.
  • Emotional therapy. The basis of this principle lies in the formation of emotional emancipation, in teaching techniques of self-expression, in raising self-esteem. If a person gets rid of stiffness and emotional isolation, can freely express his feelings and emotions, he does not need to drink anymore, he can cope with stress without surfactants.
  • Prevention of social risk factors. The social environment is of serious importance in the formation of alcoholism. The circle of family and friends has certain foundations, patterns that everyone follows. If drinking on a regular basis in such a circle is the norm, then the risks of alcoholism are seriously increased. It is necessary to give an understanding that the behavioral models of a certain group do not mean that the whole world lives like this.
  • Formation of useful skills. We are talking about patterns of interpersonal communication and behavior that are laid down in childhood and adolescence. The problem is that it is during puberty that many people form a tendency to abuse. The main reasons for the creation of such a mechanism may be the desire for adulthood, protest, the pursuit of vivid sensations, a gesture of despair, a desire to establish oneself in a certain social role.
  • Alternative hobbies. Trips are organized that will be filled with interesting adventures. Psychologically, such hobbies can replace the interest in alcohol, which usually begins to show at the age of 15-20 years.
  • Strengthening procedures. Since adolescence, children are taught to maintain health, to avoid harmful factors – in particular, companies and hobbies related to alcohol.

In general, propaganda is carried out aimed at motivating for a healthy lifestyle.

Prevention of alcoholism in rehabilitation

In narcology, there are 3 types of prevention of alcoholism among addicts.

  • Therapeutic communities. They function at rehabilitation centers, and play the role of a surrogate of the social environment. A person who lives in the center can join the ranks of members, participate in certain events, which allows him to change his perception, join a new team with the right patterns and attitudes. In a way, this is group therapy, macro-society. A person is not left alone with his problems, and gets high chances to overcome the disease.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous groups. Such communities are based on 12-step rules. This program is used in many rehabilitation centers in Europe and the USA, and at the moment is the most effective method in the prevention and treatment of alcoholism. You can attend meetings after the rehabilitation stage and recovery. They are held in all major cities of Russia, Europe and the USA.
  • Outpatient support and prevention. Addicts can turn to narcologists for help and support. If necessary, the specialist prescribes medication, psychotherapy and other techniques. The activities of narcologists are aimed not only at combating withdrawal syndrome and the consequences of alcoholism, but also at supporting regular patients, preventing their breakdowns.

Psychotherapeutic prevention of alcoholism

Unfortunately, in Russia, psychotherapeutic techniques are still a kind of exotic treatment – many people do not have the means and opportunities to have a personal psychotherapist. A certain role in the formed picture is played by distrust of specialists with the prefix "psi" - people often confuse psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists, believing that everyone will stuff them with medicines and turn them into vegetables instead of help.

So far, psychotherapy is popular mainly in developed countries. Cognitive behavioral therapy is often used for alcoholism and for its prevention. The doctor together with the patient is working on pathological patterns that are associated with excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Cognitive behavioral therapy allows you to identify the main triggers that, under stress, lead the patient to drink alcoholic beverages. They are determined and worked out by the joint efforts of the doctor and the patient. The specialist also teaches a person various techniques that help reduce or stop alcoholism. Proper support from family and close friends is also important.

Within the framework of psychotherapy , the following methods are used:

  • Cognitive-behavioral: group, individual therapy. They allow you to identify emotions, feelings, recognize them, learn to control them and prevent breakdowns due to stressful circumstances. The way of thinking of a person changes, which leads to positive changes.
  • Motivational psychotherapy. It is aimed at motivating a person to change his life for the better, to give up destructive habits.
  • Family counseling. Family members of the patient are involved in therapy, which allows to improve relations and atmosphere. The behavior and tactics of relatives are important in the fight against alcoholism, which is confirmed by numerous studies.

Therapy allows you to devalue negative behavioral patterns and develop healthy patterns that will improve a person's life. It is necessary both as a treatment for alcoholism and as a preventive measure. It is important to establish contact with the therapist, to form trust between the members of the therapy. This will allow you to be more frank during the conversation, to identify problems that do not give discomfort yet, but may lead to unpleasant consequences in the future.

Prevention of alcoholism in Russia is now mainly carried out among adolescents and the younger generation, as for addicts - they are engaged in private addiction clinics and rehabilitation centers. Unfortunately, state programs still leave much to be desired, so it is better to contact proven narcological departments for full-fledged help.

Наши услуги отличаются
  1. Конфиденциальностью – информация о личности пациента не разглашается.
  2. Оперативностью — мы отправляем докторов и принимаем пациентов в клинике круглосуточно.
  3. Ценой — стоимость лечения лояльная и будет по карману любой семье.
  4. Индивидуальностью подхода. Мы понимаем, что ситуации разные, поэтому терапия проводится с учетом индивидуальных особенностей.

Редактор статьи — врач нашей клиники in Novosibirsk:

Калюжная Марина Александровна

Последняя модерация: 18 Апреля 2024